More and more companies are following the changes in the world of work and are taking concepts of "New Work" into account in the design of working environments.
Management and executives invest in agile and flexible working, in effective spaces, in new ways of working and the digitalization of the working world
It is necessary to adapt environments to the work processes and needs of employees and people, to implement "new work" concepts, in order to ultimately realize economic advantages.
New Work - Definition
New Work, that is future-proof work, sensible and innovative. A modern leadership at eye level and the trusting connection to the employees and their well-being are moving into focus. It is all about attracting and developing good employees and keeping them in the company. In order to be able to exploit their full potential, motivated employees need to develop their own personality. This is the only way to ensure creativity and thus customer orientation.
New Work environments
The classic organisational structures are changing. The 9 to 5 job changes into flowing working hours. Work is done where it makes sense, whether in the office, at home or in a café. In times of digitalisation, communication over long distances is no longer a hurdle if the simple exchange of information is successful. New forms of collaboration are emerging. Teamwork takes place in co-working spaces, open offices or even quite practically in the home office. The aim of progressive space concepts is to support iterative activities. In order to be able to work agilely in the process, flexible and activity-oriented space concepts are required.
Office furniture and New Work
Office furniture equipment plays an important role in shaping the working world of the future. Efficiently used office space and open architecture combined with high-quality, functional furniture create the basis for productive and intelligent working. Physical, mental and emotional well-being is increased.
Functionality and design
The effectiveness of furniture in its environment is largely determined by its functionality and design.
Great design transports emotionality and brings working worlds to life. It has an attractive effect and increases well-being. Unrestricted functionality means using office furniture that is tailored to the needs of the employees and their work processes.
Durability and resilience are a "must have" for office furniture that is used in a wide variety of ways in modern working environments.
Flexible organisation and modern work processes place new demands on office furniture. One requirement is to be able to adapt easily and quickly to different users in order to provide maximum comfort and save time.
However, the requirements for mobility are not limited to chairs and tables.
With mobile room dividers, work areas can be created in the twinkling of an eye and changed at will.
Acoustic optimisation for more well-being
Acoustic optimisation has long since ceased to lead a niche existence. Modern working environments take extensive acoustic concepts into account.
Speech intelligibility, reduction of disturbing noise and the acoustic "separation" of work areas are excellent possibilities to increase the ability to concentrate and the efficiency of employees. Today these solutions are not only functional. They convince with first-class design!
Acoustically optimised rooms promote productivity, health and concentration. The acoustic optimisation is suitable for the implementation of new work concepts within the scope of interior design.
USM Haller - timeless, versatile and maximum flexibility
USM Haller's shelves are a successful example of how this can be achieved. They are room dividers and shelving in one, offer storage space and can be fitted with castors for maximum flexibility. The shelves can be extended as required and offer numerous optional features.